Support us on GoFundMe to secure a building for our community

Uqbah ibn ‘Amir reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Everyone will be in the shade of their charity until judgment is carried out between the people.
— Sahih Ibn Hibban 3310
Prayer times Masjid Arrahma London

More about us

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.


By the Decree of Allah (SWT), we founded Arrahma Trust (Charity number: 1204150) in 2023 as an independent non-profit Islamic organisation. Our mission is to establish a new Community Centre that caters to the diverse needs of our growing population. We aim to provide congregational five daily prayers, Friday sermons, religious education, women’s centre and youth programs. Our objective is to serve Muslims of all diverse backgrounds in our community by the grace of Allah with a strong focus on our youth who are the future of this Ummah.

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